Long Beans in our A-Z - Cooking Index
The Long Bean, is also known as the Yard Long Bean due to its great length, although they generally grow to just half a yard. They are very similar to green beans and they are annual plants which grow in vines.
The crisp, tender pods are eaten both fresh and cooked. They are at their best when young and slender. They are sometimes cut into short sections for cooking uses. They are used in stirfries in Chinese. In Malaysian cuisine they are often stirfried with chillies and shrimp paste or used in cooked salads.
The plant is subtropical/tropical and is widely grown in the warmer parts of Southeastern Asia, Thailand, and Southern China.
They are a good source of protein, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, iron, phosphorus, and potassium, and a very good source for vitamin C, folate, magnesium, and manganese.
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