Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasPasta Cannelini Recipe - Cooking Index

Pasta Cannelini

Type: Pasta
Courses: Main Course, Vegetarian
Serves: 4 people

Recipe Ingredients

2 cups 474mlUncooked pasta nuggets
2 teaspoons 10mlOlive oil
1 cup 62g / 2.2ozOnions - thinly sliced
10   Garlic - minced
1   Whole tomatoes - chopped
15 oz 426gChick peas - cooked
1 teaspoon 5mlOregano

Recipe Instructions

Cook pasta to desired doneness; drain and keep warm. heat oil in large nonstick skillet until hot. Add onions and garlic; cook and stir about 6 minutes or until onion is tender. Add tomatoes, beans and oregano; mix well. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer 5-10 minutes to blend flavors. Serve over pasta.

Jay Solomon / Lean Bean Cuisine (c) 1995


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