Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasSpanish Style Beef And Rice Recipe - Cooking Index

Spanish Style Beef And Rice

You can also choose to make the stuffed peppers in their entirety, then freeze and microwave when ready to serve for 12 to 15 minutes on high. Reheat with loose plastic over the dish to keep the peppers from splattering. If you do not have a carousel microwave, rotate peppers once during the reheating of your peppers.

Courses: Main Course
Serves: 4 people

Recipe Ingredients

2 cups 474mlBeef stock
1 3/4 cups 414mlWater
1 tablespoon 15mlButter
2 cups 320g / 11ozWhite enriched rice
1 tablespoon 15mlExtra-virgin olive oil
1 2/3 lbs 756g / 26ozGround sirloin
  Salt - to taste
  Freshly-ground black pepper - to taste
1   Onion - finely chopped (large)
4   Garlic cloves - chopped
1   Green bell pepper - seeded, chopped fine
1 tablespoon 15mlWorcestershire sauce
2 cups 474mlTomato sauce
1/4 teaspoon 1.3mlGround cloves
2 teaspoons 10mlGround cumin
1/4 cup 10g / 0.4ozChopped flat-leaf parsley
  Spicy Chopped Salad With Tortillas - (see recipe)

Recipe Instructions

Heat beef stock, water and butter to a full boil. Add rice, reduce heat and cover pot. Cook 20 minutes, until tender and liquids are absorbed.

Heat a large, deep skillet over medium-high heat. Add oil and beef and season with salt and pepper. Brown meat, 2 or 3 minutes. Add onion, garlic, bell pepper, Worcestershire. Cook together 5 to 7 minutes, until veggies are just tender. Add tomato sauce, cloves, cumin and parsley. Bring mixture up to a bubble and reduce heat to low.

Combine cooked rice with meat mixture and serve with Spicy Chopped Salad With Tortillas. Reserve 1/2 of the beef and rice and freeze for Stuffed Peppers With Beef, Rice, Spinach And Cheese (see recipe) for another meal.

This recipe yields 4 servings.

30 MINUTE MEALS with Rachael Ray - (Show # TM-1C59) - from the TV FOOD NETWORK


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