Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasRoast Suckling Pig Recipe - Cooking Index

Roast Suckling Pig

Type: Pork
Courses: Main Course
Serves: 12 people

Recipe Ingredients

15 lbs 6810g / 240ozSuckling pig
  Kosher salt - as needed
  Freshly-cracked black pepper - as needed
1/2 cup 73g / 2.6ozChopped garlic
1/2 cup 73g / 2.6ozFinely-chopped parsley
1/4 cup 36g / 1.3ozChopped fresh thyme
  Salt - to taste
  Finely-ground black pepper - to taste
3   Bay leaves
2 tablespoons 30mlCumin
2 cups 125g / 4.4ozJulienne onions
6   Oranges - halved
3   Limes - halved
3   Lemons - halved
1/2 cup 118mlOlive oil
1 cup 237mlWhite wine
  Rice And Black Bean Dressing - see * Note
  Fried Sweet Plantains - see * Note

Recipe Instructions

* Note: See the "Rice And Black Bean Dressing" and "Fried Sweet Plantains" recipes which are included in this collection.

This recipe is a two day procedure. Make sure that your butcher thoroughly cleans the suckling pig. By cleaning inside and out and removing the eyeballs and eyelids.

With a knife make several cuts on the pig's skin so the skin doesn't burst during cooking. Prop the pig's mouth open with a small yam. Season the entire pig with kosher salt and cracked black pepper. Place the pig in a garbage bag and tie the bag tightly. Place the pig in the refrigerator and chill for 12 hours. Remove from the refrigerator and rinse thoroughly.

In a mixing bowl combine the garlic, parsley, thyme, cumin, bay leaves, onions, juice of the orange, lime, lemon, olive oil and wine. Whisk the marinade until incorporated. Season with salt and pepper. Place the pig back in the bag and pour the marinade over the pig. Tie the bag tightly and place back in the refrigerator. Turn the pig every three hours. Refrigerate the pig for 12 hours. Remove the pig from the refrigerator and out of the bag, reserve the marinade.

Stuff the cavity with the Rice And Black Bean Dressing. Using a kitchen needle and thread, tie up the cavity. Tie the front legs and then back legs. Cover the tail with aluminum foil. Place the pig on a large roasting pan and pour the reserved marinade over the pig. Place the pig in the oven. Roast the pig for about 5 hours, basting and turning the pig every hour. Remove the pig from the oven and allow the pig to rest for about 30 minutes before slicing. Garnish with Fried Sweet Plantains.

This recipe yields about 12 servings.

EMERIL LIVE with Emeril Lagasse - From the TV FOOD NETWORK - (Show # EM-1A47 broadcast 04-29-1997) - Downloaded from their Web-Site -


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