Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasPatti's Skyline Chili Recipe - Cooking Index

Patti's Skyline Chili

Type: Meat
Serves: 8 people

Recipe Ingredients

2 lbs 908g / 32ozGround beef
2 lbs 908g / 32ozOnions - minced (large)
35   Black peppercorns
6   Bay leaves - crushed
4   Red peppers (small)
1/4 teaspoon 1.3mlCrushed red pepper
2   Garlic cloves - whole
6 oz 170gTomato paste
3 cups 711mlWater
4 tablespoons 60mlChili powder
1 teaspoon 5mlGround red pepper
2 1/2 tablespoons 37mlVinegar
1 1/2 teaspoons 7.5mlCinnamon
1 1/2 teaspoons 7.5mlGround allspice
1 teaspoon 5mlWorcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon 5mlSalt
1 cup 146g / 5.1ozColby cheese - shredded
  Pasta; cooked - hot

Recipe Instructions

Brown ground beef in skillet with onions. Drain fat. Place next 4 ingredients in a spice bag. Combine remaining ingredients, except cheese and pasta, with ground beef, onions, and spice bag, in a large pot.

Cook over low heat for 3-4 hours. Don't forget to remove spice bag and whole garlic cloves.

Serve over spaghetti or some type of pasta, topped with shredded Colby cheese and additional chopped onions if desired. This comes out almost black in color and is VERY HOT!

Arizona Magazine 1/94


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