Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasOyster Pate Recipe - Cooking Index

Oyster Pate

Cuisine: Cajun
Type: Shellfish
Serves: 6 people

Recipe Ingredients

1   Oysters - (retain liquid)
1 tablespoon 15mlWorcestershire sauce Worcestershire
1/4 teaspoon 1.3mlGarlic powder
  Water - (enough to cover oysters)
1 teaspoon 5mlLouisiana hot sauce
  Salt - to taste
1/2 teaspoon 2.5mlOnion powder

Recipe Instructions

Cook oysters in their own juice with all above ingredients.

In food processor, put olives (stuffed with pimentos), oysters (drained), bacon (and a little bacon drippings), shake of garlic and onion powders, shake of chili powder, and sweet relish.

Pulverize well in food processor.

Chill and serve on crackers. Justin Wilson's "Gourmet and Gourmand Cookbook"

Mr. B's Bistro


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