Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasRoast Beef In The Clay Pot Recipe - Cooking Index

Roast Beef In The Clay Pot

Type: Meat
Serves: 6 people

Recipe Ingredients

5 lbs 2270g / 80ozRolled roast of beef
1 teaspoon 5mlSalt
  Pepper - to taste
6   White onions - peeled (small)
6   Carrots - peel/slice (medium) lengthwise
6   New potatoes - unpeeled (small)
6   Mushrooms - sliced (large)
3 tablespoons 45mlParsley - fresh, chopped
2   Bay leaves - whole
1 teaspoon 5mlArrowroot - approximately

Recipe Instructions

"Roast beef steamed in the clay pot is a different experience. The meat has a delightful texture you can't find in beef cooked any other way. But one word of caution: it's going to take much less time to cook than you think. Rely strictly on your meat thermometer. The size of both the pot and roast will make a difference. If you like your beef rare, check the thermometer after 40 minutes. You can omit the vegetables if you don't want a complete dinner."

Presoak your largest clay pot, top and bottom, in water fifteen minutes.

Trim fat from beef and rub with salt and pepper. Place beef in pot and insert meat thermometer. Add to pot all above ingredients, plus 1 teaspoon salt and dash of pepper.

Place covered pot in cold oven. Set temperature to 480F. For rare beef, check meat thermometer after 40 minutes. For medium beef, check after 1 hour.

For well-done beef--if you really want it that way--check after 90 minutes. Remove pot from oven when meat thermometer is almost up to temperature. (Don't wait until it's right on the nose or it will be overdone.) Pour liquid into saucepan, bring to boil and thicken with about 1/2 teaspoon arrowroot.

"The Clay-Pot Cookbook" by Georgia MacLeod Sales and Grover


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