Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasQuick Brown Sauce Recipe - Cooking Index

Quick Brown Sauce

Serves: 1 people

Recipe Ingredients

3 tablespoons 45mlButter
3 tablespoons 45mlFlour
1 1/2 cups 355mlCanned bouillon - soup stock or vegetable stock
1/2 teaspoon 2.5mlThyme
1 section  Parsley
  Salt and freshly ground pepper

Recipe Instructions

Melt the butter in a heavy saucepan over low heat. Add flour and blend well over medium heat. Reduce heat and simmer for several minutes.

Heat bouillon or stock, stir into the roux (flour and butter mixture) and continue stirring until sauce thickens. Add herbs, reduce heat and simmer for several minutes. Correct seasoning.

Serve with meats or other dishes or use as base for Bordelaise sauce.

James Beard


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