Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasSanta Fe Cured Pork Loin Recipe - Cooking Index

Santa Fe Cured Pork Loin

Serves: 12 people

Recipe Ingredients

3 lbs 1362g / 48ozBoneless pork loin roast (3 to 4 pounds)
8 cups 1896mlWater
1 cup 198g / 7ozSugar
6 tablespoons 90mlChili powder
2 tablespoons 30mlSalt
2 tablespoons 30mlCrushed thyme
1 tablespoon 15mlGround cumin
2 teaspoons 10mlCoarsely ground black pepper
2 teaspoons 10mlCrushed oregano

Recipe Instructions

In a large saucepan, heat all ingredients EXCEPT pork loin to boiling, stirring to dissolve ground spices and mix cure ingredients thoroughly. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature.

Place pork loin in a glass container large enough to immerse roast in cure solution, cover and refrigerate 2-4 days, or place roast in 2-gallon self-sealing plastic bag and pour cure solution over; seal bag and place in large bowl, refrigerate 2-4 days.

Remove pork roast from cure, discarding cure solution. Pat pork gently dry with paper towels. Prepare covered grill with banked coals heated to medium-hot.

Place roast over drip pan and cook over indirect heat for 45 minutes to an hour, until thermometer inserted reads 155-160F. Remove from grill and slice to serve.

National Pork Producers Council


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