Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasStuffed French Toast Recipe - Cooking Index

Stuffed French Toast

When you're in a rush, this homemade treat can be made portable. Just cut the finished toast in four squares and wrap them in foil.

Courses: Vegetarian
Serves: 4 people

Recipe Ingredients

4 tablespoons 60mlOrganic apple butter
8   Cinnamon raisin bread
1   Egg (large)
2   Egg whites (large)
1/4 cup 59mlVanilla soy milk
1/2 teaspoon 2.5mlCinnamon

Recipe Instructions

Spread 1 tablespoon apple butter on each of 4 slices bread. Cover with second slice of bread. Place sandwiches in 13- by 9-inch baking pan or other shallow dish large enough to hold them in one layer.

In small bowl, beat egg and egg whites. Beat in soy milk and cinnamon until well blended. Pour mixture over sandwiched bread. Soak 2 minutes. Turn and let soak 2 minutes more.

Generously coat nonstick skillet or griddle with cooking spray. Place over medium heat. Cooking in two batches if necessary, arrange sandwiches in one layer. Cook until underside is browned, about 3 minutes. Turn and brown the second side, 1 to 2 minutes.

Serve, accompanied by warmed maple syrup or sprinkled with confectioners' sugar if desired.

This recipe yields 4 servings.

Per Serving: 208 Cal; 8g Prot; 4g Total Fat (1 Sat. Fat); 37g Carb.; 53mg Chol; 247mg Sod.; 3g Fiber.

Vegetarian Times, February 2001


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