Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasSt. Paddy's Twice-Baked Potatoes Recipe - Cooking Index

St. Paddy's Twice-Baked Potatoes

Type: Vegetables
Serves: 4 people

Recipe Ingredients

5 tablespoons 75mlBaking potatoes (large)
4 cups 584g / 20ozChopped cabbage - (1/2 small head)
1 cup 146g / 5.1ozChopped leeks
  Nonstick cooking spray
1/4 cup 59mlChicken broth
  Salt - to taste
1/2 cup 118mlNonfat milk - warmed
  Freshly-ground black pepper - to taste
1 tablespoon 15mlMelted butter
  Paprika - to taste
  Chopped chives - for garnish

Recipe Instructions

Scrub potatoes beneath cold running water and pat dry with paper towels. Pierce each potato several times with fork. Bake at 425 degrees until potatoes are fork tender, about 1 hour.

While potatoes bake, saute cabbage and leeks in skillet coated with nonstick cooking spray over medium heat until vegetables begin to wilt, about 2 minutes. Add chicken broth. Cover and steam until cabbage turns bright green and tender, about 10 minutes. Season with 1/2 teaspoon salt.

Remove potatoes from oven and cut horizontal slice off top third of each potato. Scoop pulp from potatoes into bowl, leaving shells about 1/4-inch thick. Scoop pulp from tops of potatoes and add to bowl.

Process potato pulp through potato ricer. Stir in milk. Add cabbage and leeks. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Spoon potato mixture into 4 shells, dividing evenly.

Brush tops of potatoes with melted butter, then sprinkle with dash paprika and bake at 425 degrees until tops are lightly browned, 20 to 25 minutes. Garnish with chives.

This recipe yields 4 servings.

Each serving: 184 calories; 269 mg sodium; 8 mg cholesterol; 3 grams fat; 34 grams carbohydrates; 6 grams protein; 1.58 grams fiber.

The Los Angeles Times, 03-15-2000


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