Soft Shell Blueclaw Crab Recipe - Cooking Index
Great, if you can get 'em. We've got them in the Indian River Lagoon. Good eatin'!!!
Type: Fish, ShellfishOlive Oil | ||
Butter | ||
Garlic cloves | ||
Fresh dill or rosemary | ||
White wine | ||
Fresh basil | ||
Flour | ||
Soft shell blueclaw crab - see * Note |
* Note: Buy them cleaned -- remove the sponge under the shell and the apron on the bottom.
Saute up some olive oil with a dab of butter and slide in a couple of julienned garlic cloves with some fresh dill or rosemary needles with a splash of white wine. Saute and reduce a bit.
Dice up some fresh basil leaves and mix them in some flour. Dredge the crabs and slide them into the big heavy saute pan for 5 to 8 minutes, flipping them once.
A little French bread, some Caesar salad, and finish that bottle of wine.
This recipe yields ?? servings.
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