Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasOysters Brockefeller Recipe - Cooking Index

Oysters Brockefeller

Type: Fish, Shellfish

Recipe Ingredients

24   Blue Point fresh oysters - shucked on half
1 cup 237mlSliced Portabello mushrooms
1/4 cup 15g / 0.5ozJulienned onions
1/4 cup 36g / 1.3ozDiced bacon
1/4 cup 59mlArtichoke hearts
2 cups 292g / 10ozChopped fresh spinach
2 teaspoons 10mlChopped garlic
1/2 cup 118mlGin
2 tablespoons 30mlCreme de menthe
1   Heavy cream
1 teaspoon 5mlWorcestershire
2 cups 474mlShredded parsley

Recipe Instructions

In large sauce pan, saute mushrooms, onions, and bacon until onions are translucent. Add artichoke hearts, spinach, and garlic. Saute until spinach is wilted. Add liquors, then cream and Worcestershire. Turn heat to low, simmer, and reduce sauce by half.

Add Parmesan slowly while stirring constantly. Bring to simmer once more. Let sauce cool.

Top oysters with approximately 1 tablespoon of sauce and place in broiler until sauce starts to brown and bubble. Ready to serve.

This recipe yields ?? servings.

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