Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasMussels In White Wine Recipe - Cooking Index

Mussels In White Wine

I learned this one from a young Parisian doctor who came with his wife to visit me briefly in Sevilla, Spain in 1974 enroute to Morocco, where he was going to do the equivalent of Peace Corps work in lieu of military service. His recipe has stayed with me ever since and has been raved about at more Super Bowl and other parties than I can remember.

Type: Fish, Shellfish

Recipe Ingredients

1 lb 454g / 16ozMussels - in shell
2   Onions - diced
1 teaspoon 5mlFreshly-ground black pepper
1 cup 237mlWhite wine
  Chopped fresh parsley
  Olive oil
  Butter or margarine

Recipe Instructions

Clean and beard mussels under water. In large covered saucepan, saute onions in a mix of half butter or margarine and half oil. Add black pepper (adjust amount to taste, but this dish is especially good if peppery) and wine. Bring to a boil, add mussels, and cook, covered, until shells open (a few minutes should suffice; certainly no more than 15!)

Serve in soup bowls, sprinkled with fresh parsley on top.

This recipe yields ?? servings.

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