Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasScottish Pheasant Stock Recipe - Cooking Index

Scottish Pheasant Stock

Serves: 1 people

Recipe Ingredients

  Giblets, trimmings, and frame of 2
  Or 3 small pheasants, including
  Blanched and skinned feet
2   Water
1 1/2 teaspoons 7.5mlSalt
  A few Peppercorns
3   Leeks (small)
2   Celery ribs
1   Onion - stuck with
  Whole cloves
1/2   Bay leaf
  Thyme - to taste

Recipe Instructions

Simmer bird parts in water with salt for 1 hour, skimming. Add remaining ingredients and simmer for 1 hour longer. Strain. Cool.

This recipe yields 6 cups of stock.

THE HUNTER'S GAME COOKBOOK by Jacqueline E. Knight (c) 1978 - Published by Winchester Press, New York, NY


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