Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasNew England Boiled Birds Recipe - Cooking Index

New England Boiled Birds

Serves: 4 people

Recipe Ingredients

4   (or more) Small quail, snipe or woodcock - split along backbone
1/2 lb 227g / 8ozButter - softened
2 tablespoons 30mlFlour - seasoned with
1/2 teaspoon 2.5mlSalt - and
1/4 teaspoon 1.3mlFreshly-ground black pepper
4   (or more) Bacon strips
1/2 cup 118mlBrown gravy
2 tablespoons 30mlRhubarb jam or currant jelly
1 tablespoon 15mlMinced parsley
2 tablespoons 30mlBrandy - heated

Recipe Instructions

Rub birds with half of the soft butter and dust with seasoned flour. Put birds on a broiler rack and top each with a bacon strip. Broil for 15 to 20 minutes, according to size, turning at 3 to 5 minute intervals. Remove birds and keep warm. Blend remainder of seasoned flour with gravy, jam, and remaining butter; add mixture to pan drippings and stir well. Add parsley, mix, and heat gently. Pour brandy, heated, over birds and ignite. Let flames die out; serve birds on toast with sauce on the side.

This recipe yields 4 appetizer servings.

THE HUNTER'S GAME COOKBOOK by Jacqueline E. Knight (c) 1978 - Published by Winchester Press, New York, NY


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