Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasRoast Possum Recipe - Cooking Index

Roast Possum

Serves: 1 people

Recipe Ingredients

1   Possum - whole, uncleaned
1   Onion - large, chopped
1 tablespoon 15mlBacon fat
  Possum liver
1 cup 146g / 5.1ozBread crumbs
1 teaspoon 5mlRed pepper - chopped
  Worcestershire sauce - dash
1   Egg, hardboiled - finely chopped
  Salt to taste

Recipe Instructions

Possums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scalding hot water. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hair by scraping with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If some hair comes off hard, dip again in scalding (not hard-boiling) water. Wash with soap and water, then remove entrails, keeping washed liver. Remove head and tail (some people keep the head on). Soak in cold water to which is added 1 cup salt. Drain and rinse with boiling water. Stuff with possum stuffing, close the opening, and roast in black iron pot with a little water for 1-1/2 hours at 350. Baste often. SEE possum stuffing recipe. Add sweet potatoes 1 hour before possum is done.

Posted to the BBQ List by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998.

Rick D. Day


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