Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasMarinated Hickory-Smoked Chuck Roast Recipe - Cooking Index

Marinated Hickory-Smoked Chuck Roast

Type: Meat
Courses: Marinades
Serves: 1 people

Recipe Ingredients

2 lbs 908g / 32ozBeef chuck roast - 1 1/2" thick
5   Cloves - garlic
1/4 cup 59mlCooking oil
1/4 cup 59mlWine vinegar
1 tablespoon 15mlWorcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon 2.5mlSalt
1/2 teaspoon 2.5mlDried basil - crushed
1/4 teaspoon 1.3mlPepper
1   Hot pepper sauce

Recipe Instructions

Stud roast with garlic by inserting tip of knife in meat and pushing cloves into meat as you remove knife. Make sure garlic closes are evenly spaced.

In bow, mix oil, vinegar, Worcestershire, salt, basil, pepper, and hot pepper sauce. Place meat in plastic bag. Set in shallow baking dish. Pour marinade over meat; close bag. Marinate 6-8 hours or overnight in refrigerator; turn roast occasionally.

About an hour before cooking soak hickory chips in enough water to cover; drain chips. Drain meat; reserving marinade. Pat excess moisture from meat with paper towel. Arrange SLOW coals around drip pan. Add hickory chips to coals. Place roast over drip pan on grill. Cover. Grill 25 minutes per side. Brush occasionally with marinade and add additional chips. Turn roast; grill 25 minutes per side, brushing with marinade until done. Season to taste; remove garlic and serve.

By "Carey W. Starzinger" <[email protected]> on Jul 06, 1997.

Don Havranek


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