Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasMarinated Beef Jerky Recipe - Cooking Index

Marinated Beef Jerky

Type: Meat
Serves: 1 people

Recipe Ingredients

1 lb 454g / 16ozBeef* (your choice of cut)
1/2 teaspoon 2.5mlPepper
1 teaspoon 5mlOnion powder
1/2 teaspoon 2.5mlGarlic salt
3 tablespoons 45mlSoy sauce +1 teaspoon - can use light
5 tablespoons 75mlWorcestershire sauce

Recipe Instructions

*If not a tender cut, slice it paper thin. If a tender cut, slice 1/8-1/4" thick.

Trim all fat off the beef. Mix other ingredients together. Marinate meat overnight in the mixture. Remove from marinade and pat meat between towels. Line cookie sheet with foil and arrange meat on it in a single layer. Dry for 8 or more hours at less than 200F turning after 6 hours. Cool and store in a tightly covered jar or sealed in plastic bag. Note: I have one of those vacuum sealers and store it in a canning jar using the attachment for sealing jars.

Posted to BBQ List by christina <[email protected]> on Feb 27, 1998

Don Havranek


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