Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasEd's Wife's Potato Salad Recipe - Cooking Index

Ed's Wife's Potato Salad

Type: Vegetables
Courses: Salads
Serves: 1 people

Recipe Ingredients

3 lbs 1362g / 48ozPotatoes, skin on
3   Eggs
1   Onion
1   Bell pepper (small)
  Salt and pepper

Recipe Instructions

Last cornbread my wife made was so bad the birds would not touch it and a passing skunk would not waste a shot on it. She does make a good potato salad. No written recipe so I'll wing it.

Boil about 3 lb. of potatoes with the skins on.

Boil 3 eggs with them, but not as long. Peel potatoes while just a little warm and cut into bite sized chunks. Chop an onion and a little bell pepper into it. Slice the eggs into it. Mayonnaise to coat everything well. Salt and pepper to taste.

Not fancy, not exotic ingredients, but it has been my favorite for many years.

Ed Pawlowski


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