Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasVegetarian Chopped Liver Recipe - Cooking Index

Vegetarian Chopped Liver

Type: Vegetables
Courses: Starters and appetizers, Vegetarian
Serves: 1 people

Recipe Ingredients

4   Hard-boiled - eggs
2 cups 125g / 4.4ozCooked kasha - (buckwheat groats)
5   Celery
1   String beans
1   Peas
1/2 lb 227g / 8ozWalnuts - ground
6   Onions
2   Bullion broth cubes - * see note (2 to 3)
1 cup 237mlWarm water - * see note

Recipe Instructions

* mix together.

Dice and saute onions. Grind cooked eggs and kasha together with string beans, peas, walnuts and celery. Mix well. Add fried onions, broth and salt. Mix well again. Makes two quarts.

Susan Feniger and Mary Sue Milliken


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