Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasPoor Man's Caviar Recipe - Cooking Index

Poor Man's Caviar

Type: Vegetables
Courses: Dips and Spreads, Starters and appetizers
Serves: 1 people

Recipe Ingredients

1/4 cup 49g / 1.7ozButter or margarine - unsalted
3/4 lb 340g / 11ozMushrooms with stems - chopped fine
2 lbs 908g / 32ozGarlic cloves - minced (large)
2 tablespoons 30mlPecans - chopped fine
3   Green onions with tops - minced
1/4 cup 15g / 0.5ozOnion - minced
1 tablespoon 15mlParsley - (fresh), minced
1/4 cup 59mlDry white wine
3 tablespoons 45mlSour cream
1 1/2 teaspoons 7.5mlBlack pepper - ground fine
  Salt to taste

Recipe Instructions

Melt butter or margarine in a heavy 10-inch skillet over medium heat. Add mushrooms, garlic, pecans, green onions, onion and parsley. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture is dry and vegetables are throroughly cooked, about 8-10 minutes. Add wine, sour cream, pepper and salt; stir to blend. Cook until thickened and creamy (about 4 minutes). Makes about 1 1/2 cups.

This recipe is from the book, "Eating Southern Style: A Taste of the South", by Terry Thompson. Published by HP Books, ISBN 1-55788-080-8. I highly recommend this book! Find it today at your local bookstores.

Eating Southern Style by Terry Thompson


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