Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasGrits Casserole Recipe - Cooking Index

Grits Casserole

Type: Vegetables

Recipe Ingredients

100   Grits - cooked
100   Butter
300   Process garlic cheese
120   Milk
2   Eggs - beaten

Recipe Instructions

1 . Cook grits according to package directions (typically 20-30 minutes). After grits are cooked, stir in butter and cheese.

2. Cool while adding milk to eggs.

3. Stir milk and eggs into grits.

4 . Pour into a buttered casserole dish.

5. Bake at 175 FC for 45 min to 1 hour, or until set and browned on top.

Author's Notes: Don't expect good results with instant grits, use real grits. Freezes well. Editor's note: grits are ground or cracked hominy. Hominy is an American Indian food, which is made from dried corn. There is virtually no substitute for it, and it is hard to get outside North America. It is a very popular food in the southern U.S. In parts of Mexico it is known as "nixtamal" or sometimes "pozole".

Katherine Rives Albitz Hewlett-Packard, Ft. Collins, Colorad


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