Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasSteamed Fish Package (Tashmul De Pescado) Recipe - Cooking Index

Steamed Fish Package (Tashmul De Pescado)

Type: Fish
Serves: 2 people

Recipe Ingredients

1 1/2 lbs 681g / 24ozFreshwater fish -
  Perch - bass, trout - diced
1/2 cup 31g / 1.1ozTomato - sliced
1/4 cup 15g / 0.5ozOnion - sliced thin
1/2 teaspoon 2.5mlFreshly ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon 2.5mlSalt - or to taste
1/2 teaspoon 2.5mlThyme
2   Bay leaves
2   Mashan leaves -or-
2   Aluminum foil

Recipe Instructions

Mix the diced fish, tomato, onion, black pepper, salt, thyme and bay leaves together.

Put the mixture in the middle of the leaves or foil, fold over each half to the center, then fold over each end toward the middle.

Steam the packages in a Chinese-style steamer over hot water over moderate heat for 30 minutes.

Unwrap and serve hot in the wrappers.

Variation: This procedure works very well if you substitute a 1-pound fillet of an ocean fish such as scrod, sea bass, mackerel, or whatever is one's personal preference.

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