Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasPrawns With Pernod And Mushrooms En Papillote Recipe - Cooking Index

Prawns With Pernod And Mushrooms En Papillote

Type: Shellfish
Serves: 4 people

Recipe Ingredients

8 tablespoons 120mlButton mushrooms - chopped
3 tablespoons 45mlDouble cream
2 teaspoons 10mlPernod - 3 if preferred
  Black pepper - freshly ground
16   King prawns -up to 20 - (or crayfish), shelled
2 tablespoons 30mlParsley - chopped

Recipe Instructions

Mix the mushrooms with the cream, Pernod and salt and pepper to taste.

Cut 4 hearts out of foil or greased paper, large enough to enclose four to five large shelled prawns or crayfish with space to spare around the edges.

Divide and place the crayfish or prawns on one half of the foil or paper hearts. Top with an equal quantity of the mushroom mixture and sprinkle with parsley. Fold over the remaining half to enclose. Pleat the edges to seal securely.

Place on a baking sheet and cook in a preheated oven, 350F, for 15-20 minutes.

Serve immediately.

" A Feast of Floyd"


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