Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasOrange-Salmon Patties Recipe - Cooking Index

Orange-Salmon Patties

Serves: 8 people

Recipe Ingredients

2   Navel oranges
1   Onion (medium)
15 1/2 oz 440gSalmon - - (1 can)
1/2 cup 73g / 2.6ozBread crumbs
2 teaspoons 10mlWorcestershire sauce
  Salt - to taste
  Black pepper - freshly ground, to taste
2 tablespoons 30mlVegetable oil
  Orange Sauce
1/4 cup 59mlPlain yogurt
6 tablespoons 90mlFrozen reconstituted orange juice

Recipe Instructions

Peel and seed oranges and cut into small pieces. Chop onion medium-fine. Drain salmon. Combine all the ingredients except for the oil and mix well. Shape into 8 patties. Heat oil in a large skillet.

Saute patties in hot oil over medium heat until golden brown on one side. Turn and brown on second side. Serve with Orange Sauce.

Orange Sauce: Combine ingredients and mix until smooth. Serve at room temperature or warmed slightly.

SALMON RECIPES by Cecelia Nibeck


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