Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasStuffed Wild Duck Recipe - Cooking Index

Stuffed Wild Duck

Type: Poultry
Serves: 1 people

Recipe Ingredients

1   Duck
1   Lemon - for juice
1   Celery
1/4   Onion (medium)
1/4   Onion (medium)
1/4   Apple (medium)
1 tablespoon 15mlWorcestershire sauce
1   Salt pork - thin sliced

Recipe Instructions

Soak duck in cold water with juice of 1 lemon for 30 minutes before cooking. Dry thoroughly. Salt and pepper inside and out. Fill cavity with celery, onion, orange, apple and Worcestershire. Lay strip of salt meat over bird, secure with toothpicks. Place in heavy Dutch oven with 1 inch water in bottom.

Bake covered at 325 for 1 hour, or until very tender.

Baste often. Before serving remove salt meat; brown by removing cover and basting.

Stove Top


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