Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasSpicy Chicken And Corn Recipe - Cooking Index

Spicy Chicken And Corn

Type: Chicken, Poultry
Serves: 4 people

Recipe Ingredients

1 tablespoon 15mlMargarine or butter
1 lb 454g / 16ozSkinless - boneless chicken
  Cut into 1 1/2" pieces
1/2   Onion - chipped
1   Green pepper - (medium)
1/2 teaspoon 2.5mlDried oregano leaves
  And paprika
1/4 teaspoon 1.3mlBlack pepper and
  Red pepper
1   Campbell's new golden corn soup
1   About 16oz. Stewed tomatoes
  Cut up
1 cup 160g / 5.6ozCooked rice

Recipe Instructions

1. In skillet, in hot margarine, cook half of the chicken until browned, stirring often. Remove; set aside. Repeat with remaining chicken.

2. Cook onion and green pepper with oregano, paprika, black pepper and red pepper until tender-crisp, stirring often. 3. Stir in soup, tomatoes and rice. Heat to boiling. Return chicken to skillet. Cover; cook over low heat 5 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink, stirring often. Garnish with fresh parsley if desired.

Cooking Live Show #CL8999


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