Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasRoast Lemon Chicken (For 4) Recipe - Cooking Index

Roast Lemon Chicken (For 4)

Type: Chicken, Poultry
Serves: 8 people

Recipe Ingredients

3 lbs 1362g / 48ozChicken
2   Lemons
1   Garlic bulb - separated (small)
  Salt and pepper
2 tablespoons 30mlOlive oil
2 tablespoons 30mlButter or margarine
  Chopped fresh parsley

Recipe Instructions

Cut up one lemon into 8 pieces. Rub the outside of a well cleaned and dry chicken with the peel side of the pieces and then put the lemon inside the chicken. Place the garlic in with the lemon. Season well with salt and pepper and pour a mixture of half olive oil (only use extra virgin if you can still find one around) and half butter on top and inside of the chicken. (This has to be slightly heated first.

But, then I know I should not have to tell you all that) Roast for 1 1/2 hour in a preheated 325*F oven. Half an hour before taking the chicken out of the oven, pour freshly squeezed lemon juice from the second lemon over the top and sprinkle lightly with the fresh chopped parsley. That is it. So simple. We all love it so much and I hope you all do as well. Even our French roommate likes it, but then he can't cook either. DANA

Michael Lomonaco


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