Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasPappardelle Ii (Duck) Recipe - Cooking Index

Pappardelle Ii (Duck)

Type: Poultry
Serves: 6 people

Recipe Ingredients

5 lbs 2270g / 80ozDuck - boned, fat removed, - cut into 1 inch pi
1/4 cup 59mlOil - olive
3 cups 187g / 6.6ozOnions - chopped (@ 2 cups) (medium)
1/3 cup 48g / 1.7ozPancetta - finely chopped
  (Italian - dry cured
  Unsmoked bacon) or
1/3 cup 78mlBacon
  Salt - (to taste)
  Pepper - (to taste)
1/2 cup 31g / 1.1ozLivers - chicken, chopped
1/2 cup 118mlMushrooms - porcini, dried
  (@1 oz) soaked in 2 - - cups of hot water
30   Minutes
2   Bay leaves
1   Rosemary - fresh, branch or (small)
1 teaspoon 5mlRosemary - dried, chopped
4   -- whole
1 cup 237mlWine - white, dry
3 tablespoons 45mlPaste - tomato
3 cups 711mlStock - chicken **

Recipe Instructions

** See other recipe for Chicken Stock.

For Boneless Duck in Sguazet:

Pat the duck dry.

Heat 1/4 cup of olive oil in a heavy large casserole over high heat. Add duck and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cook over high heat, stirring often, until lightly golden. (About 10 minutes)

Strain off about 3/4 of the fat (discard or reserve for another use.) Add onions and pancetta to the casserole, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Saute until golden, about 8 minutes.

Add chicken livers, heat and stir for 2 minutes.

Meanwhile, strain the soaked porcini mushrooms, reserving the liquid. Rinse them and chop them up coarsely. Strain the liquid through a fine sieve or cheesecloth and set aside. To the casserole add porcini, bay leaves, rosemary and cloves and stir for 5 minutes.

Add the wine and cook, stirring, until wine is nearly evaporated. Add tomato paste and simmer for 2 minutes, stirring to coat all ingredients. Add reserved mushroom soaking liquid and Chicken Stock and bring to a boil. Lower heat, cover partially, and simmer 45 minutes.

Remove bay leaves and any rosemary stems. Skim fat from surface and adjust seasonings.

Set aside.

Go on to the next recipe and cook the pappardelle and assemble.

New York's Master Chefs, Bon Appetit Magazine : Written by Richard Sax, Photographs by Nancy McFarland : The Knapp Press, Los Angeles, 1985


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