Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasLudger's Roasted Chicken Breast Stuffed With Gorgonzola Recipe - Cooking Index

Ludger's Roasted Chicken Breast Stuffed With Gorgonzola

Type: Chicken, Poultry
Serves: 4 people

Recipe Ingredients

4   Chicken breast halves with - skin and bone
5 oz 142gGorgonzola cheese - mashed, divided into 4 pcs
2 tablespoons 30mlOlive oil
2 cups 474mlDry white wine
1/8 teaspoon 0.6mlSalt - up to 1/4, up to
  Freshly ground black pepper - to taste
1 cup 237mlSeedless black grapes - halved
1   Green apple - cored, halved, thinly sliced in half
2 tablespoons 30mlChopped parsley

Recipe Instructions

Cut a pocket in each chicken breast. Stuff with the Gorgonzola. Preheat a 12-inch skillet on medium-high heat. Add the olive oil to the pan and place the chicken breasts skin-side down in the pan. Brown the skin and do not turn the chicken. Place in a preheated 350-degree oven 25 minutes, or until the chicken tests done.

Remove the chicken from the pan and keep war. (Spoon any of the melted Gorgonzola left in the pan over the chicken.) Pour the fat from the pan and place back on the stove. Add the wine and reduce by a third, about 5-7 minutes. Pour in any juices that have collected around the chicken.

When the liquid has thickened, season with salt and pepper and add the grapes and apples. Cook briefly until the apples are just starting to soften.

Sprinkle the sauce with parsley and spoon over the chicken. Serve with rice or orzo pas and steamed vegetables.

4 servings: approx prep time 25 minutes From - "Seattle" - America's Wet Dream From: Chris Wurgler

Diane Rozas, "Low-Fat Chicken Breasts", Oregonian 11/5/96


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